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The Four Leaves
Our unique Four-Leaf Approach targets the four key areas that power intellectual and social-emotional growth. These four fields of Language Arts & Communication, Learning to Learn, Creativity, and Leadership & Service prepare our children for fulfilling and productive lives.
The Four Leaves are the four areas that form our core curriculum. We integrate these into all courses but each course targets one field.
Language Arts &
This field is about the power of language and communication. We teach students to see language as a vehicle for thought, creativity, learning, self-expression, reflection and social interaction.
We offer literature, academic and creative writing, Latin, personal statement writing, interviewing and public speaking courses.
Learning to Learn
The courses in this field aim to reveal to students the hidden game of learning. They acquire skills and strategies that can deepen understanding in multiple subjects.
This field instills a growth mindset that embraces challenges and believes that intelligence grows with effort, persistence, and quality teaching.
This field includes courses that foster students' confidence to be creative. We help them cultivate habits and techniques to generate ideas, test, develop and implement them.
Leadership & Service
Courses in this field expose students to issues of global and moral significance. We nurture their self-awareness and reflection as they grapple with these issues and develop their own sense of value and purpose. We also have courses, such as inspirED Entrepreneurship, which encourage students to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes to make an innovative difference in society.