During Chinese New Year, we offered a range of exciting workshops. It was a great success and students had fun while developing their creative, critical and writing skills!
Minecraft Writing Workshop (Grade 3-5)
Minecraft is one of the most popular online games because it allows young people imagine and create new worlds. In this workshop, students built a setting and a character within Minecraft. They presented their creations and explored one another’s settings. Their virtual worlds and characters were turned into works of creative writing.

Word Wizard Workshop (Grade 3-5)
Having a wide vocabulary allows students to communicate more powerfully. In this workshop, students learnt new words to describe feelings, actions, and characters through activities such as acting, taking photographs, illustrating, and using a thesaurus. Students practiced using their expanded vocabulary in speech and writing.
In the images below, you can see that students expanded their vocabulary by identifying words that accruately described their character traits. After creating individual posters, they placed the words strategically on different parts of the body to create a physical link between themselves and the descriptor.