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InspirED Day allows students to taste the best of Baker and Bloom, Hong Kong’s premier K-12 education center dedicated to cultivating students’ creative literacy and confidence. Each grade cohort will experience four 20-minute stations, including READ, CREATE, WRITE, & STEM.

Through these stations, students get to meet Baker and Bloom’s world-class teachers and experience what it’s like to learn in an environment that invites critical reading, creative and analytical writing, and STEM creation.

inspirED rotations:
- Read a Story
- Create a Character
- Write a Paragraph

While students are at the rotations, parents will be invited to talks and showcases on a variety of topics led by team of expert educators.

Morning (9:30AM): The Power of Personal Stories -- Developing Students' Narrative and Creative Writing Skills by Ms. Lenore Look

From personal statements for college admissions to start-up pitches and business proposals, the ability to tell a story is an essential skill that students will use for a lifetime. Ms. Lenore will show how she teaches creative writing to both primary and secondary students. She'll also share how her students have used the power of their personal stories to publish their own articles and to open new doors.

Afternoon (2:30PM): The Power of Reading: Make Reading Your Superpower! by Ms. Megan Kwan-Nixon

How can I get my child to read more fluently and deeply? Learning to read is complex and requires significant effort and skill. Reading is something that has to be explicitly taught and practiced often. Ms. Megan will outline some strategies that you can use to support your child’s reading comprehension. She will also introduce the language of thinking and discuss strategies so that you can harness the power of reading at home.

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