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Baker & Bloom K2/K3 Program K2/K3 幼稚園課程

Baker & Bloom K2/K3 Program prepares students for entry to Bloom KKCA Academy. The K2/K3 morning consists of campfire (circle time), which focuses on positive education and character development, as well as three blocks dedicated to English, Chinese, and Math.


Students will also have project-based, hands-on learning time to examine unique topics from an interdisciplinary lens. We also provide enriching activities, including activities such as art, music and movement. As a child-centered program, we only take in 8-12 students per year to make sure each student's unique needs and learning goals are met.

Baker & Bloom K2/K3 幼稚園課程幫助學生為進入百卉九江書院做好準備。有每週實地考察學習的時間。幼稚園課程有營火會時間,著重正向教育和性格發展,以及分三個時間段針對英語、中文和數學學科。學生會進行專題研習課程的環節,讓學生能夠用一個跨學科角度探討不同的話題。有讓學生體驗不同的增潤課程,例如藝術、音樂和體育等。這是一個以孩子為中心的小型課程,每年只收 8-12 名學生,以滿足每個學生的獨特需求和學習目標。

Program Highlights

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Our Team 我們的團隊

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Photo Gallery

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