Baker & Bloom K2/K3 Program K2/K3 幼稚園課程
Baker & Bloom K2/K3 Program prepares students for entry to Bloom KKCA Academy. It is a half-day bilingual program (9:00am-12:30pm) with weekly field trips. Similar to a morning at Bloom KKCA Academy, the K2/K3 morning consists of campfire (circle time), which focuses on positive education and character development, as well as three blocks dedicated to English, Chinese, and Math. Everyday, students will also have project-based, hands-on learning time to examine unique topics from an interdisciplinary lens. We also provide enriching activities during two afternoons per week, including activities such as art, music and movement. As a child-centered program, we only take in 8-12 students per year to make sure each student's unique needs and learning goals are met.
Baker & Bloom K2/K3 幼稚園課程幫助學生為進入百卉九江書院做好準備。這是一個上午班的雙語課程(上午 9 點至下午 12 點半),也有每週實地考察學習的時間。幼稚園課程與百卉九江書院的早上一樣有營火會時間,著重正向教育和性格發展,以及分三個時間段針對英語、中文和數學學科。學生會進行專題研習課程的環節,讓學生能夠用一個跨學科角度探討不同的話題。每週也有兩個下午時段讓學生體驗不同的增潤課程,例如藝術、音樂和體育等。這是一個以孩子為中心的小型課程,每年只收 8-12 名學生,以滿足每個學生的獨特需求和學習目標。